Friday, June 09, 2006

Your family now owes $500,000.00 in Gov't Debt.

Don't believe it? Well it's true. The article ran in USA Today on 5/24/06, and can be found here:

Yes friends, our runaway freight train of a government has put us all in the poor house. We have virtually guarnateed a future of slavery or economic chaos for our children. Politician after politician has railed on us proponents of smaller government time and time again. How can we advocate eliminating the welfare state when people are out of work? How can we think about cutting or privatizing social security? How can we say no to our seniors' perscription drug costs? These are all very troubling questions. Questions that nobody wants to answer. The subject Social Security is so touchy that it's often referred to as the "third rail of politics". Well I guess I have one question for everyone: How can we sell our kids into slavery?

All of the government entitlement programs sound great, but unfortunately don't work. We had better face that fact soon, or our children will be working overtime just to pay down the interest on the debt. This year, congress voted to raise the federal debt ceiling to $9 trillion in order to avoid a default on our obligations. That alone amounts to $30,000.00 in debt for every living soul in the US. If someone doesn't put the brakes on this runaway train, we will ALL be living in a 3rd world country within the next generation or two.

It's not always fun to face reality. Unfortunately it has to be done. The government can not go on functioning as Santa Clause.


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