Thursday, May 03, 2007

306 Shopping Days

I just got word that my trial date has been set (Peck v. Mission, KS, et. al). The date is March 4, 2008, 9:30a. That leaves only 306 shopping days until court! In other items of interest, my girlfriend (and campaign manager) Alice Scott has been added as a plaintiff.

It is truly a relief to finally get a court date for this case. It has been about 8 months since the incident, and about 7 months since we filed suit. Until now we didn't even know when we'd go to trial (assuming it does go to trial of course).

In other news, I was elected to Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Kansas last weekend (it was formerly my appointed position). This means I will take a whack at helping to lead the party for the next 2 years. I'm told leading libertarians is like herding cats. I have little doubt of that, but if we're ever going to be taken seriously we've got to narrow our focus and work together.

The Kansas Legislature has adjourned for the year. This means our liberty and property are once again safe, for the time being. Once again I disagree with most of the votes cast by the JoCo reps, and tended to agree with the votes cast by the more rural reps. You can take the boy out of the country....

In a surprise to the social conservatives, gambling passed. I think this was long overdue for the state. Now we just need to amend the constitution to get the state out of the casino business. I believe Kansas will now be the only state in the country where the casinos are owned by the state.

In not-so-surprising news, the budget was dramatically increased. Despite the rosy pictures painted by some, we're headed for financial disaster if this keeps up.

Concealed carry pre-emption also passed. This should probably have been in the original bill to begin with.

The eminent domain "reform" was killed in committee (thanks in part to Americans for Prosperity and the Libertarian Party of Kansas).

Until next time,
There wasn't much else of interest to the average person I suppose.


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