Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thwarting Theocracy in Missouri

Coincidentally, the religious right in Missouri seems to be marching in lockstep with Kansas.

Recently a bill was introduced to amend the Missouri Constitution to emphasize the right of students to pray in school.

This of course is nothing but political grandstanding. That right already exists and has been vigorously defended by many organizations. I don't know of anyone (myself included) who would oppose voluntary prayer, bible study, meditation, wiccan ritual study, or any other form of religious expression.

However, apparently we are seeing another instance of the Christian persecution complex coming into play. Someone said a pastor said that he heard a student on some bus somewhere was told he couldn't bring a bible on board. Hence the bill. This is done solely to ignite a firestorm of ideological nonsense which is unnecessary.

The 1st amendment and the Missouri constitution already guarantee the right of freedom of religion.

But then again, style over substance in politics is nothing new.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thwarting Theocracy in Kansas

The religious right is on the march again. Today I met them in Topeka to square off over a bill regarding "In God We Trust" License plates.

The persecution complex that these people feel is not only ironic, but is becoming more apparent. While I am fully behind every individual's right to practice his religion, I do not like the idea of the state endorsing any one person's religion.

Here is a summary of the article:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bring our Troops Home

Friends, we're faced with a quagmire of biblical proportions in Iraq. We've crossed borders that we should have never crossed. We continue to meddle in the affairs of every nation in the world, and see ourselves as world police. This policy has destroyed nations throughout history, and ours will be no exception. Not only will it destroy our nation in due course, it's destroying the lives of our soldiers, their families, and the nations we have bombed into oblivion. I don't buy the excuses and lies that our federal government has used to justify this invasion. In fact, I believe we have been fed a wholesale bill of goods, and it is becoming increasingly apparent.

Although I love to write, I myself cannot express the tragedy of the war in Iraq any better than long time Rock and Roller Ozzy Ozbourne. Like him or not, the man is a survivor. He's faced his demons, he's conquored them, and he's seen enough of life to be able to have a wise opinion of man's aggression against his fellow man. Therefore I offer these words, sung by him in his new hit single, "black rain":

The black rain is falling
Contaminating the ground
The human race is dying
The dirt all scattered around

What is the price of a bullet
Another hole in the head
The black rain over a coffin
Another soldier is dead

How many victims of bullets
How man more have to die
People dying in masses
And it ain't justified

We've got our mighty warriors
Defenders of our home and our pride
We've crossed too many borders
Military suicide

War killing sons and daughters
another will attack, there is no turning back
Blood running down like water
You think you got away? Until the judgement day comes

Politicians confuse me
I watch the body count rise
While all the children are marching
Into the desert to die

The human pshyche is twisted
The madness rising again
Another empire falling
I watch them dying in vain


To our troops: I salute you, and I'd give you the shirt off my back. You are the true heroes. You answered the call of duty. You've done your job. You've honored your comittment. To our politicians: shame on you.

When will we learn? Do we seek to build an empire and impose our will on the world, or will we choose a foreign policy of peace and non-intervention?

Support our troops. Bring them home.

Oh, and by the way, Where is Osama?