Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm dumping facebook

As much as I love facebook, I have to dump it. Altough it is an incredible tool that has allowed me to connect with long lost friends and keep up with current friends, it has become an insidious thief that has robbed me of my time and substituted genuine human interaction with a series of virtual transactions that are just not human.

Keyboard commandos reign in cyberspace. They say things on my facebook they wouldn't have the balls to say to my face. People attempt to argue the deepest mysteries of life in a 2 inch box on a screen with someone they don't even know. Differences of perception are treated as falsifiable scientific problems, where barricades of links and evidence (99% bullshit) are hurled back and forth like 7.62mm ammunition from an m-60 machine gun.

Well to hell with it all. If you have something to say to me, call me, come by my house, or stop by my desk. If you want to see any of my pictures, links or anything else I'm interested in, I'll post it here. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.


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