Friday, August 07, 2009

flag THIS

Flag THIS, White House!

That's right, President Obama, you can FLAG my entire blog as "fishy" if you'd like. In fact I hope you do, but I'm not going to waste the keystrokes to report myself to FLAG@WHITEHOUSE.GOV despite your orwellian request for me to do so.

Yet again We the People see you implement another of your communist tactics, taken straight from the playbook of one of your marxist professors most likely, asking people to "report fishy e-mails" about ObamaCare. My friends from former communist countries such as Hungary and Poland recognize this tactic of yours all too well. Turn the people against each other. Distract them. Tell them a lie so many times it becomes the truth.

Well that spitwad don't fly here partner. You and your band of union thugs can't intimidate the entire American population into submission. Your comrades in congress cannot smear us all with the endless stream of lies that flow from their offices. We don't wear swastikas. We're not racists. We're not radicals. We're not paid off, we're not organized, we're not even Republicans, we're AMERICANS. We understand the U.S. Constitution. We understand that you are its enemy. And we're not going to let you and your cronies hijack our liberty and way of life.

You have no right to re-distribute the wealth of all 300 million residents of this land. Robin Hood may be your hero, but he's still a thief. And YOU are a thief when you use the power of the majority to steal from the minority, regardless of how well your intentions may (or may not) be.

So You can FLAG this blog, FLAG ME, and FLAG every libertarian in this country with a backbone, because we are not going to take it anymore.

We aren't going to take your lies, smears, and character defamation. We're better than that. We won against the communists in the cold war, and we'll win against those communists who have infiltrated our government and institutions. Enjoy your honeymoon while it lasts. The backlash is coming.


Blogger Kerrie McLoughlin said...

so did your daughter who is still in school see the obama speech? did you take her out of school or did you go to school with her that day?????

11:11 AM  
Blogger Jason E. Peck said...

Her school didn't show it for some reason. If they had, I would not have taken her out. I have raised my kids to have minds of their own, and have not really sheltered or censored them from much of anything.

I have taught them what I believe to be right from wrong, and they understand more about politics than probably most kids their age (hell, most anyone really, but that isn't saying much).

Besides, as much as I can't stand the guy, he is the president. Frankly I'm not sure why people went into hysterics when he decided to talk to kids in school. He's not the first president to do so (despite claims to the contrary).

5:13 PM  
Blogger Kerrie McLoughlin said...

THANK YOU ... i totally agree with you yet AGAIN ... i was wondering why everyone was freaking when bush sr. also spoke long ago and nobody flipped out then. it's not like obama told the kids to go get abortions tomorrow. i'm with you on raising them to have their own minds. we're raising the kids catholic but "I" don't expect them all to stay that way ... they need to find their own way in life. dude, there's a blog called jasonpeck and it's sad.

5:37 PM  

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