The fleecing of America (cont'd)
Well friends I've been busy and haven't posted much for a while. Not only have I been busy, but I've basically found myself in a state of resignation. I'm resigned to the fact that the fleecing of America has gone into hyperdrive, and we are now seeing the last of the buzzards fighting over what scraps remain.
As you all know I've spent much of my life in service to the cause of liberty and freedom. And I don't mean freedom in the sense that the orwellian nanny state uses it currently to demand our thoughtless submission. No, I mean liberty in the sense of individual sovereignty, which is another discussion for another day, which will of course be lost on 99% of the people who run across it.
That very liberty - individual sovereignty - is an ideal that is dead. We are now at the tail end of the dependency cycle and it must run its course. The time to rally and carry the standard is over. What I'm about to say is going to shock most of my readers, but I've thought about it for quite some time, and it is this: We should now join the socialists that run this country and help to speed up the final transition to complete and total socialism / fascism. At this point all we're doing it delaying the inevitable a few more years at BEST. And when the inevitable comes it will be WORSE.
We libertarians are keenly aware that the bank is broke. The ponzi schemes that the socialist / fascist traitors in our government have brought upon us are finally collapsing. WE know that our entire system is a ponzi scheme. The scam known as the federal reserve is robbing us blind, as Thomas Jefferson warned any central banking system would. Social security, and all the other welfare scams under its umbrella are insolvent. We're leveraged to the hilt, all with paper IOUs. The house of cards is coming down, whether we like it or not. And it's due to the greed, ignorance, and lack of self discipline of the dependents that allowed it to be put into place.
You see we as a nation collectively have sold our souls to the bank. Anyone who thinks that the economy is turning around, or will turn around, is in serious need of a history lesson. We are the most leveraged society in the history of the world. The parasites of the land, who produce nothing but pursue a slash and burn tactic in their eternal quest to suck the lifeblood out of the those who do produce are winning.
The unions and the democrats are hell bent on pillaging what remains of our production engines. When they're done, nothing will be left. They won't stop until they've destroyed every last ounce of wealth in the country. Then the class warfare and class envy they created will turn into outright aggression and it will be a full on war.
The military industrial complex, which has run this country for years, has combined forces with the oil industrial complex and the Republicans to bring us their brand of fascism and socialism. Theirs generally disdains unions and the unabashed socialism of the democrats; but puts Jesus and and a slice of apple pie on the plate with it to make it a little easier to swallow. But make no mistake about it: it is still a domestic enemy of the United States Constitution. But as I stated early on in this rant, the blame lands squarely in the lap of the American sheeple. THEY are the ones who allowed this; no, DEMANDED it, and now here we are, and their solution to the problems they've caused is MORE?
My dad used to say, "you can't borrow your way out of debt". Only an idiot would think that would work. Yet we as a nation are desperately trying to do just that. Collectivism doesn't work. Our founding fathers knew this; which is why they created a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. The fact that 99 out of 100 people out there think we actually ARE a democracy is proof of the problem.
At the rate we're circling the drain, it won't be long now until all the riches of the greatest nation ever on the face of the earth will have been plundered. In fact I'll go out on a limb and say they already HAVE been plundered, the accountants just haven't settled up yet. As more and more "de-leveraging" occurs; we'll see it unfold. And when our grandchildren and children are wearing barrels and selling pencils on the street corner for a fish head and a bowl of rice, will anyone's mind be changed?
Not likely. The socialists will insist we didn't have enough socialism. The unions will insist the evil corporations did it. And the moronic majority will buy whatever brand of BS the current establishment is selling. Until they finally hit bottom and realize that the concept of the "common good" is complete crap, and only then will the rugged individualist again reclaim his sovereignty.
So bring it on Nancy Polosi and Obama. You're only a few votes away from completely destroying us. Get it over with. We rugged individualists are ready to rebuild, starting with the US constitution - less an amendment or two.
As you all know I've spent much of my life in service to the cause of liberty and freedom. And I don't mean freedom in the sense that the orwellian nanny state uses it currently to demand our thoughtless submission. No, I mean liberty in the sense of individual sovereignty, which is another discussion for another day, which will of course be lost on 99% of the people who run across it.
That very liberty - individual sovereignty - is an ideal that is dead. We are now at the tail end of the dependency cycle and it must run its course. The time to rally and carry the standard is over. What I'm about to say is going to shock most of my readers, but I've thought about it for quite some time, and it is this: We should now join the socialists that run this country and help to speed up the final transition to complete and total socialism / fascism. At this point all we're doing it delaying the inevitable a few more years at BEST. And when the inevitable comes it will be WORSE.
We libertarians are keenly aware that the bank is broke. The ponzi schemes that the socialist / fascist traitors in our government have brought upon us are finally collapsing. WE know that our entire system is a ponzi scheme. The scam known as the federal reserve is robbing us blind, as Thomas Jefferson warned any central banking system would. Social security, and all the other welfare scams under its umbrella are insolvent. We're leveraged to the hilt, all with paper IOUs. The house of cards is coming down, whether we like it or not. And it's due to the greed, ignorance, and lack of self discipline of the dependents that allowed it to be put into place.
You see we as a nation collectively have sold our souls to the bank. Anyone who thinks that the economy is turning around, or will turn around, is in serious need of a history lesson. We are the most leveraged society in the history of the world. The parasites of the land, who produce nothing but pursue a slash and burn tactic in their eternal quest to suck the lifeblood out of the those who do produce are winning.
The unions and the democrats are hell bent on pillaging what remains of our production engines. When they're done, nothing will be left. They won't stop until they've destroyed every last ounce of wealth in the country. Then the class warfare and class envy they created will turn into outright aggression and it will be a full on war.
The military industrial complex, which has run this country for years, has combined forces with the oil industrial complex and the Republicans to bring us their brand of fascism and socialism. Theirs generally disdains unions and the unabashed socialism of the democrats; but puts Jesus and and a slice of apple pie on the plate with it to make it a little easier to swallow. But make no mistake about it: it is still a domestic enemy of the United States Constitution. But as I stated early on in this rant, the blame lands squarely in the lap of the American sheeple. THEY are the ones who allowed this; no, DEMANDED it, and now here we are, and their solution to the problems they've caused is MORE?
My dad used to say, "you can't borrow your way out of debt". Only an idiot would think that would work. Yet we as a nation are desperately trying to do just that. Collectivism doesn't work. Our founding fathers knew this; which is why they created a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. The fact that 99 out of 100 people out there think we actually ARE a democracy is proof of the problem.
At the rate we're circling the drain, it won't be long now until all the riches of the greatest nation ever on the face of the earth will have been plundered. In fact I'll go out on a limb and say they already HAVE been plundered, the accountants just haven't settled up yet. As more and more "de-leveraging" occurs; we'll see it unfold. And when our grandchildren and children are wearing barrels and selling pencils on the street corner for a fish head and a bowl of rice, will anyone's mind be changed?
Not likely. The socialists will insist we didn't have enough socialism. The unions will insist the evil corporations did it. And the moronic majority will buy whatever brand of BS the current establishment is selling. Until they finally hit bottom and realize that the concept of the "common good" is complete crap, and only then will the rugged individualist again reclaim his sovereignty.
So bring it on Nancy Polosi and Obama. You're only a few votes away from completely destroying us. Get it over with. We rugged individualists are ready to rebuild, starting with the US constitution - less an amendment or two.
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