Monday, October 23, 2006

Soccer Welfare: It's not just for millionaires anymore

Once again, we're being asked to support a tax hike because it's "for the children". We're shown advertisements on TV that portray Johnson County as a place whose biggest problem is a lack of soccer fields. We're told that soccer, and I quote, "keeps kids safe". Then we're told all about now if we approve the $75 million bond issue, there will be all sorts of new jobs and economic progress. Then, to top it all off, the slogan proponents chose is, "it's for the children, and nothing else". This is a crock.

First of all, soccer fields for kids blue valley is really not at the top of my priority list. Those of us who live in other parts of the county, such as the Northeast section, have problems of our own. Real problems. Like already high property taxes for starters. Evidentally they're not high enough for the pro-soccer welfare crowd.

Secondly, the choice of location for these fields is poor. Because of the location, expensive upgrades in infrastructure will be required (NOT part of the bond issue), and development of the fields themselves will be excessively expensive.

Next, it's not "just for the children". It's also an indirect form of corporate welfare. By passing the bond issue, the city can re-zone the area and request STAR bonds from the state for another $100 million to build a KC Wizzards stadium. How convenient. Our tax money going to create a home for the Wizzards, who are owned by a millionaire investor.

And lastly, there's the cost of the bonds themselves. The pro-soccer welfare crowd would have us to believe that this project somehow magically pays for itself. Again, this is a crock. WE will be paying back the $75 million bond issue, with interest, over the next 20 years. The average homeowner's property tax will increase over $18.00 per year, by their estimates. Then there is the STAR bond. If this fails to raise the expected revenue, (which is what would happen if the Wizzards backed out or went backrupt), guess who's left holding the bag? YOU, the taxpayer.

So when you visit the poll, please cast your vote AGAINST soccer welfare. There are better, less expensive, and more central locations for a soccer complex. And, as for the STAR Bonds for the Wizzards, well, as far as I'm concerned they can buy their own land just like every other business.

Sun Publications provides unfair election coverage

The Overland Park Sun Newspaper has repeatedly ignored 3rd party political candidates. We 3rd party candidates are somewhat used to being ignored by mass media, but this is a local paper covering local races. For reasons unkown to me, all Libertarian candidates have been left out of the Sun's coverage. This is despite the fact that we all are serious candidates who are actively campaigning, and will be on the ballot in the general election.

Some recent examples: Page 23A of the 10/19/2006 OP Sun features a FULL PAGE of political candidates. The races featured are for Insurance Commissioner, and State house districts 19, 29, and 48. We have candidates in ALL of these races, yet there is not a single mention of them. Our opponents all had their responses to questions published. Want another? Page 5A of the same paper. All state house races in this area are listed, along with links to a recent candidate forum video. of the 18 races featured, we had candidates in 8. The title of the races list the democrat v the republican, but again, no mention of the Libertarians.

Does the Sun feel that it's not necessary to cover 3rd party candidates? Do they just feel it's not worth the ink, or that worse yet we might "take votes away" from their favorite political candidate? (and believe me, they have them). Well I have news for the Sun. The Democrats and Republicans do NOT OWN the elections. The votes aren't THEIRS to be taken. We are on the ballot, and we should have access to all debates and featured stories regardless of what they think of us.

This is an outrage, and an insult to democracy. Please write the Sun ( and let them know how you feel as I have.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Statement of Support For Stonewall Libertarians

A group known as the Stonewall Libertarians has asked me if I support the statement listed below. This statement was drafted by them; however I do agree with it in its entirety. It is a confirmation of my support for equal rights for all, regardless of (among other things) sexual orientation. I have promised to myself and the voters that they may not agree with me all the time, but they will know where I stand. This is an example of that stance.


"I believe in full equality for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered individuals regardless of their sexual orientations or perceived gender identity or presentation. I would call for the immediate repeal of federal and state Defense
of Marriage Acts. I would do away with the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, thus allowing our gay and lesbian service men and women to serve their country openly and proudly. I oppose the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment and all state constitutional amendments seeking to define marriage as a bond between one man and one woman. I would do away with all special benefits and privileges granted to individuals on the basis of their marital status. I would like all state governments and localities to get out of the business of granting marriage licenses and allow people to enter into contractual relationships to order their lives as they see fit, but so long as the government continues to grant marriage licenses to heterosexual couples, I believe gay couples are entitled to the "equal protection" of the laws and should be allowed to obtain government issued marriage licenses as well.
I do not believe the government should require religious institutions to perform marriage ceremonies that go against their church doctrine. I oppose all laws that discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered Americans
and feel they deserve full equality under the law."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oct. 3 candidate forum

The candidate forum at the Southridge Presbyterian Church went very well. Below is the text of my opening and closing statements.



First of all, I'd like to thank the church and the league of women voters for inviting us. This is a great opportunity for all of us, and it is truly an honor to parcitipate in this forum.

My name is Jason Peck, and I am the Libertarian candidate for State representative in the 24th district. Briefly, the purpose of the Libertarian Party is to promote a free market economy, civil liberties, and a foreign policy of peace, free trade, and non-intervention.

I'm originally from Kansas City. I graduated Shawnee-Mission North class of 1989. While in high school, I enlisted in the Kansas Army National Guard at the age of 17. I graduated US Army Infantry school in Fort Benning, GA in 1989. I served 6 years in the Kansas National Guard as a heavy anti-armor weapons crewman. I now have friends from my former unit who are awaiting orders for their 2nd tour of duty in Iraq, so our freedoms take on a very personal meaning to me.

While working full time, I earned my B.S. in Computer Science from the American College of Computer and Information Systems. Sometimes, I look back on my life, and think that I started off with nothing, and still have most of it left! I was married 15 years, but unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on whom you ask), my marriage ended a few years ago. My girlfriend and I are now full time parents to our 3 children.

WE have Kenneth, age 14, a freshman at SM North, Krystal, age 12, an Antioch Middle School 7th grader, and Sarah, age 16, a Shawnee-Mission South Sophomore.

My work with various charities began at an early age. in 1998, I helped start up one of the first all-volunteer programs at the Johnson County Juvenile Detention Center. I have volunteered for the National MS Society, 5 years as an MS-150 bicycle rider and 3 years as a medic. In 1999, I led the fight against the city of DeSoto's proposed bicycle ban. I then joined a volunteer fire department and earned my EMT. I served 5 years as a firefighter / EMT and secretary treasurer. I was later promoted to captain in a department of 23 men and women. I'm a former Kansas JayCee. I was active several years with the Ottawa, KS chapter. And, every so often, I'm recognized for my work at the Kansas City Rennaisance Fest where I have been on the security and medical staff for 3 years. Most recently, I created a website to help parents network to keep track of their kids in CyberSpace. has been featured on channel 9 news, 710am talk radio, the Overland Park Sun, and the Kansas City Star.

As you can tell, I am not a career politician. I have, however, followed politics since an early age. I believe that a good leader is really just a very good follower. I am now continuing my endeavors by running for the Kansas House of Representatives.

Our state, much like our nation, carries a heavy debt load. Every family in this room now owes over $500,000 in government debt. When you consider that our state budgets $750,000.00 per year to tell us to wear our seatbelts, will be paying $240 million in debt repayment, and wastes money on things like replacing stop signs with roundabouts, it's easy to see why (out of time).



Ladies and gentlemen, out government has strayed from its roots. Our founding fathers had the wisdom to recognize that we as human beings are born with certain inaliable rights, and realized it was their duty to limit the extent to which the government could infringe on those rights. This was a revolutionary, radical ideal that has served us well.

But today, our government is bloated, and no longer serves us, but bogs us down in beauracracy. We have gone from a state and a nation of tax and spend to a state and nation of borrow and spend. As I mentioned earlier, every family in this room now owes over $500m in gov't debt. Our homes and businesses are being seized under the guise of "economic development" and sold to the highest bidder. Our federal government has burdened us with an unfunded mandate known as the No Child Left Behind Act. I agree with Mr. Randau, that it's time we stood up to the federal government and took back control of our public schools.

Furthermore, our government wastes time and money arguing about victimless crimes such as gay marriage and flag burning. We are being taxed into the ground to pay for millions on welfare, and when we see what we're paying for with poor responses to events like hurricane Katrina, I wonder where the money is going.

Kansas is only one of 16 states that tax the sale of food. This is a very regressive tax that hurts the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the most. This year our legislature failed to pass an increase in the exemption for this tax, despite the fact that it was endorsed by the AARP and catholic charities. We need to return our government to its libertarian roots, and get it out of our pocket books, and out of our personal lives. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would trade freedom for the illusion of security deserve neither".

We are still the land of the free and the home of the brave. This year, lets take back our government from the special interests and the 2 party monopolistic system.

As your candidate, I make no promises other than this: I will fight for all your rights, all the time, and that includes both fiscal and civil rights.