Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wingnuts, dog bites, and op-ed pieces

The last few days have been pretty interesting. The day before yesterday I was out campaigning and was treated to my first dog bite. I was on the sidewalk, and didn't think the dog could reach that far on his teather. By the time I realized he could, he had bitten me already. Thankfully no skin was broken so I didn't have to go through all the medical procedures. The owner was on the porch and didn't seem to mind the fact that his dog (which looked at least half pit bull) had just bitten me. Shortly after that, I got to talking to another man walking his dog and we ended up standing on the sidewalk talking politics for over an hour. He is very active in area politics and was quite knoweldgeable. I really appreciated his insights.

I don't think I'll be going door to door today. I did, however, stop by the Bullet Hole to introduce myself to the guys and give them some flyers for their counter. As a long-time customer, I know them by face, but have never actually talked with them. Needless to say, they are excited to have a pro-gun owners' rights candidate on the ballot.

Tonight is the battle of the wingnuts, as I like to call it. The left wing versus the right wing, on Jay Leno. In the left corner, wearing a dark suit, and tipping the scales heavily to the statist side, is none other than George Carlin. In the right corner, known for her fiery, unapologetic rhetoric, Mrs. AAaaaannnnneeee COOUULLLTEERRRRR... I just had to do that. Ann Coulter of course. Yes, the woman best known for criticizing 9/11 widows and her book which prominently states that anyone who doesn't share her beliefs is godless will be squaring off with a long time comic. Although I'm not on the left or right, I think if I had to take sides I'd put my money on Carlin. It should be interesting.

And now for the most exciting thing of the day: The Kansas City Star published another of my op-ed pieces under the "As I See It' column of the opinion page in the local section. It explains eminent domain abuse, and what we can do to stop it. The link can be found here:


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