Thursday, July 20, 2006

A break from local politics...

Once again, our federal government has done something so agregious that I must break from local politics to voice my opposition.

The United States, since about the time of Teddy Roosevelt, has developed a bad habit of meddling in the affairs of other nations. Although we do have some responsibility as the last superpower on the world stage, we have worn out our welcome in many areas of the world.

The Middle East has always been a hotbed of sectarian violence. Since biblical times, various factions have fought and killed their neighboring tribes. Women, children, animals, and all living things were sometimes killed in a scorched earth policy. The hatred that we see in modern times has ancient roots, and is not going to be solved by George Bush, nor any of his successors.

In the middle ages the crusaders fought to take the holy land from the "infidels". These Europeans were scarecely prepared for the fierce fighting they encountered, but, as we see today, religion is a very powerful motivator. The slaughter continued in the fight against the Ottoman Empire and anyone else that stood in the way of the Noble's quest for the holy grail. As recently as the 20th century, England was continuing to expirament with Islamic regions. Iraq is a sterling example of this failed policy.

The English crown attempted to unite 3 separate ethnic groups to form a single nation. Obviously the only way these sworn enemies could be held together is under the iron fist of a brutal dictator. The most recent dictator was of course Saddam Hussein. When the west had finally had enough of Hussein, it launched another crusade to oust him. The result is just what any student of history could have predicted: an even more unstable Middle East, and a virtual civil war in which the U.S. and our allies are forced to take sides.

The most disappointing chapter in this saga in recent times is our Congress' virtually unanimous vote to support Israel in this conflict. The nation of Israel was created by the league of nations, with President Truman's strong support. To date this author sees no strategic value in our support for Israel, nor does he see any benefit from our armed support of this country. The only reasons that can reasonable be offered is that Israel is supposed to be a democracy, and then, of course, the more plausible explanation: Religion.

Israel continues to pound its neighbors with bombs and rockets. This puppet nation has treated the Arabs it has displaced like dogs since 1948. Although this is common knowledege, apparantly the number of congressmen with the gall to stand up for it can be counted on two hands.

In writing this article, the author of course stands a very good chance of being labeled as anti-semitic. This is not the case, however. The author fails to see any reason to continue to support and arm a nation that fights its neighbors, killing women and children indiscriminately. Though it is true that Israel was provoked in the most recent exchange, the retaliation has been excessive. Why does this continue to go on? The most obvious explanation is the powerful Jewish lobby that has our congress' undivided attention.

Newt Gingrich recently commented that this is the beginning of world war III. Granted this may be a bit of a stretch, but it's certainly possible. Let's hope not, because we're a bit too pre-occupied to defend ourselves at the present moment.

We, the people of the United States, need to send the Jewish lobby packing, as well as any other foreign country that seeks to influence our foreign policy to such a radical extent. It's about time we took our contry back, and stopped the nation building expiraments that are getting our uniformed men and women killed. Please write your congressman and let him know that you are watching, and you're tired of the killing, most all of which is done in the name of God.


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