Saturday, June 17, 2006

Kansas Republicans Revise State Platform

Recently I was surfing political websites, as I'm known to do from time to time. One of the sites I visit regularly is There are some interesting, and even humorous parts of this site (such as RINO sightings, RINO being Republicans in Name Only). This helps me to keep tabs on the 2 parts of the republican party, the conservative Christian Right wing, and the moderate wing. It seems there is quite a power struggle going on there.

Another part of the website lists some excerpts from recent changes to the Republican Party State platform. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hold a candidate responsible for his platform, nor am I naive enough to believe that every party member has to march in lockstep with it. We're all human beings, and we all have opinions. It is worth noting, however, the slant that I see more and more in GOP politics. That slant is the "God is on our side" angle. Consider the following excerpts, taken from the site above (click on "Key Issues"):

We oppose pornography in all forms... (A very open ended statement. I wonder if your harlequin romance should be burned?)

The benefits of marriage shall be between one man and one woman (I don't know about you, but I feel much safer knowing that gays can't marry each other.)

Kansas students should be allowed and encouraged to fully discuss and critique all science-based theories for the origin of life in science curricula. ... (It's official folks, Intelligent Design is now in the GOP platform).

... Gambling should not be expanded to include state-owned facilities. (Can't have that now can we? After all, anyone with an internet connection already has gamblin in his living room. There's no reason for us to want to try to increase our tax revenue by allowing citizens the right to gamble)

Private property rights are essential to individual liberty. Government should be prohibited from seizing private property for economic development. Eminent domain is intended for essential public purposes (funny, the Republican controlled Legislature couldn't seem to pass any real eminent domain reform this year)

We support: The overturning of Roe v. Wade. ... AND The role of parents as the primary decision makers in the medical care of their children. ... (OK, which is it? Oh, I get it, medical decisions involving their children, but not their own bodies, even if there is a good medical reason for it)

I don't know about you, but this bothers me. The far right is making inroads into the GOP (and therefore the controlling part of our government) at astonishing rates. I used to just be concerned with our virtual police state, but now I have the added fear of going back to the dark ages....

What ever happened to tolerance? Is that not in vogue any longer?


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