While I'm compiling lists, I figured I'd create one that outlines the most over rated things of our time. Here is what I have so far:
1. Faith. TOTALLY over rated. Why is it even a virtue? You mean to tell me that just because you believe in something for no reason whatsoever, you are a better person than I? Let's say you believe in the tooth fairy still, even at 40 years old. THIS makes you a better person? Or you believe a flying pink unicorn fertilizes your garden at night. Don't laugh! It's no more ridiculous than the fairy tales we read our kids or any of the world's religious teachings.
2. A college education. Seriously, save your money. In this day and age, it's not difficult to educate yourself. You don't need to spend $100,000.00 and go 600 miles away from home to "find yourself" or "become more well rounded". GO TO A LIBRARY, or here's an idea STOP AND THINK FOR YOURSELF.
3. Disenfectants. Anti-bacterial soap. Anything "new and improved", or that is "introduced" as the "all new". Save your money, you'll need it for a good shrink who specializes in OCD. You're not going to die without fogging your house over with lysol every 15 minutes. In fact, I like to live by the old addage that, "DIRT DON'T HURT".
4. iPhones. I'm not impressed with your phone just because it doubles as a light sabre. To the contrary, I'm quite happy with my Palm treo (which was found in an archealogical dig and proves I'm at least as old as Moses). This thing has speech recognition (nothing new btw), internet (both PDA and teathering), 40 channels of TV, a still and video camera, mini-SD slot, full color touch screen (imagine that), AND...... AND..... YEP. It can EVEN figure out my tip at dinner. There's an ap for that! IT'S CALLED AN EFFIN CALCULATOR. (which really isn't necessary if you can figure 15% mentally, which is any 7th graded should be able to do).
5. Solar panels and wind turbines. OK ya I really, REALLY want this technology to work. I'd love to be off the grid more than anything in the world. But then there's reality. THE REALITY is that at 6c per kilowatt hour, your windmill will have to run full speed for about 18 years to pay for itself, and you will need to cover your house, front and back yard, driveway, and part of your neighbors house with solar panels to generate enough power to RUN A TOASTER. It's just not there yet people.
6. Baby on board signs in people's windows. What the hell do you think? That just because you have a "Baby on Board" sticker in your window I'm going to not hit you? Are you SERIOUS? I'd hit you just as soon as I'd hit anyone else! Get over yourself. Just because you figured out how to squirt out a puppy doesn't mean you're any better than anyone else. And besides, if you're like most of the rest of the people I see with these stupid signs, you probably drive a 9,000 pound tank anyway, and I'm on a motorcycle. "Cyclist on board"!
Well enough for now. More later. THIS BLOG is probably the MOST over rated thing right now LOL
1. Faith. TOTALLY over rated. Why is it even a virtue? You mean to tell me that just because you believe in something for no reason whatsoever, you are a better person than I? Let's say you believe in the tooth fairy still, even at 40 years old. THIS makes you a better person? Or you believe a flying pink unicorn fertilizes your garden at night. Don't laugh! It's no more ridiculous than the fairy tales we read our kids or any of the world's religious teachings.
2. A college education. Seriously, save your money. In this day and age, it's not difficult to educate yourself. You don't need to spend $100,000.00 and go 600 miles away from home to "find yourself" or "become more well rounded". GO TO A LIBRARY, or here's an idea STOP AND THINK FOR YOURSELF.
3. Disenfectants. Anti-bacterial soap. Anything "new and improved", or that is "introduced" as the "all new". Save your money, you'll need it for a good shrink who specializes in OCD. You're not going to die without fogging your house over with lysol every 15 minutes. In fact, I like to live by the old addage that, "DIRT DON'T HURT".
4. iPhones. I'm not impressed with your phone just because it doubles as a light sabre. To the contrary, I'm quite happy with my Palm treo (which was found in an archealogical dig and proves I'm at least as old as Moses). This thing has speech recognition (nothing new btw), internet (both PDA and teathering), 40 channels of TV, a still and video camera, mini-SD slot, full color touch screen (imagine that), AND...... AND..... YEP. It can EVEN figure out my tip at dinner. There's an ap for that! IT'S CALLED AN EFFIN CALCULATOR. (which really isn't necessary if you can figure 15% mentally, which is any 7th graded should be able to do).
5. Solar panels and wind turbines. OK ya I really, REALLY want this technology to work. I'd love to be off the grid more than anything in the world. But then there's reality. THE REALITY is that at 6c per kilowatt hour, your windmill will have to run full speed for about 18 years to pay for itself, and you will need to cover your house, front and back yard, driveway, and part of your neighbors house with solar panels to generate enough power to RUN A TOASTER. It's just not there yet people.
6. Baby on board signs in people's windows. What the hell do you think? That just because you have a "Baby on Board" sticker in your window I'm going to not hit you? Are you SERIOUS? I'd hit you just as soon as I'd hit anyone else! Get over yourself. Just because you figured out how to squirt out a puppy doesn't mean you're any better than anyone else. And besides, if you're like most of the rest of the people I see with these stupid signs, you probably drive a 9,000 pound tank anyway, and I'm on a motorcycle. "Cyclist on board"!
Well enough for now. More later. THIS BLOG is probably the MOST over rated thing right now LOL